Crysis 3 is a futuristic game set to the year of 2047, an open world shooter game with a whole story of it being played by the player. As the prophet returns to New York to discover the cities have been encapsulated into domes called Nanodomes created by a corrupt Cell Corporation. New York is converted into New York City Liberty Dome, within the dome seven districts are created comprising of urban rainforest, overgrown grass and trees. Different alien species lurk from different areas and human enemies playing their part of annihilate the prophet that is the player.
The graphics are stunning and it requires a very high end computer to run this game on High graphic mode. Running the game on Very High graphic mode will slow the game down. Its fine to run the game in medium graphic setting as the detailing is perfect thanks to Crysis Engine giving cutting edge detailing to the game.

System Requirement:
CPU: Dual core CPU
CPU Speed: Info
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
Video Card: DirectX 11 graphics card with 1Gb Video RAM (Geforce GTS 450/Radeon HD 5770)
Sound Card: Yes

System Requirement:
CPU: Quad core CPU
CPU Speed: Info
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
Video Card: DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM (Geforce GTX 560/Radeon HD 5870)
Sound Card: Yes
