Elite: Dangerous is a planned fourth title of the Elite series of video games and the scene is set in the far flung light years away future in an open and vast galaxy containing approximately 400 billion and billions stars. As with the previous entries of the player, the game will start with a basic ship and give away of 100 credits to player’s name and decide for themselves on how they shall proceed with the game. The player is not directed down any particular path but rather is able to create their own path within the gaming universe. After several false starts of the game that even included a planned MMO, the Kick starter campaign for the current version of the game achieved its goal of 1,250,000 GBP on January 2, 2013.

With no official release date announced the development schedule currently suggests that the completion of the game will be done during the last half of 2014 and it has been announced that following the usual alpha and beta periods there will be a further one which will be dubbed "gamma" that will involve all backers. Later the updates will add more and more features, including planetary landings.

• CPU: Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz
• GPU: Radeon HD 5570 1024MB
• RAM: 2GB
• OS: Win 7 64
• Direct X: DX11
• HDD: 5GB

• CPU: Core i5-655K 3.2GHz
• GPU: Radeon HD 5830
• RAM: 6GB
• OS: Win 7 64
• Direct X: DX11
• HDD: 5GB
