Battlefield have always been a beloved series since the first installment of Battlefield 1942 took people out to war on their PC. Many gamers, including myself as well, were really excited when the 4th installment of the game was announced to have an October 29th 2013 as release date.

Campaign Mode:
Campaign mode started out as promised but it quickly turned into bug-ridden chaos. We are consistently pushed out of the way by many non-player characters in that game when they are speak their dialogues. Our lead character, Recker, encounters many spots where he is being completely pinned down in areas or being thrown into the ocean--like in case of the the South China Sea Mission.

From day one, the multiplayer started having connectivity issues and crashed many times which prohibited few people from even being able to play that game. Even I was one of the people who were affected. It took some until its first patch was released in order for me to open a game and play it all, letalone finish a match.
Incredible map design.
Dynamic environments.
Rewarding Commander Mode.

Mode/map mismatches.
Mediocre single-player.

My Review: Buy this game if you see it on sale anywhere because no matter what, this game is surely a header who will go a long way up. All thanks to the major updates, now the game is almost bug free and will run smoothly.

System Configuration (Minimum)
• Dual core CPU (Intel Core i5 or AMD “Bulldozer”).
• At least 4 GB main system memory
• Graphics card with at least 512 MB of VRAM and support for DirectX 10
• 30+ GB of harddrive space
• Windows Vista

System Configuration (Recommended):
• Quad core CPU (Intel Core i5 or i7) at 3 Ghz
• 4 GB memory (8 GB for 64-bit operating systems)
• A modern DX11 graphics card with 2+ GB of video memory, GeForce 600 series or Radeon 7000 series
• Windows 7 64-bit operating system (Windows 8 is supported as well)
• 30+ GB of free harddrive space
